Free Programming Courses

There are many reasons why you should be able to code. Perhaps you’re thinking about changing careers and want to see if programming suits you, or maybe you have a brilliant idea for a website or mobile application that you’d like to develop. There are a variety of free coding courses available for you to study.

General Assembly’s platform is a great option for those wanting to get started with the basics, with project-based walkthroughs that let you build things like an Tumblr theme as you go. It’s also one of the few online learning resources that can teach programming through Python.

Khan Academy has a huge array of subjects (it even has a class on how to build a robot arm), but it’s particularly useful for beginners because it introduces you basic programming concepts. You’ll be taught about string methods, loops and debugging Java codes.

This online course in coding is perfect for students with no prior experience in programming. You will learn about computers, how they function and then get some practical experience using simple coding tasks. You’ll learn about variables, logical operators, and comparison statements. You can use them to build an People Finder or a rock-paperscissors microservice.

This YouTube channel provides a free coding tutorial, created by an experienced software developer. It is a great resource for those looking to understand the underlying logic behind programming in an easy to understand language. It features videos covering a range of subjects that range from front-end to back-end development to programming logic.

John Avery

POSTED BY John Avery
11th August 2024